Capricorn Daily Horoscope

May 17, 2024

Take a moment to open your mind and invite in guidance from beyond this morning, dearest Sea-goat, as the Virgo moon faces off with Saturn. If you've felt intuitively or emotionally blocked, now is your moment to call in movement. Good vibes flow this afternoon when Luna aligns with Venus and Uranus, helping you captivate others with ease. This energy pairs well with social calls, sharing your art, and seeking spiritual community, so be sure to plan accordingly. Divine inspiration fills the air tonight when the sun and Jupiter stir, helping you blur the lines between reality and fantasy.

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More Capricorn Horoscopes

Daily Food Horoscope

A topsy-turvy day will have you scrambling for a sense of security. You won't find it in your business day, so you may have to wait until you get home. But when you're pulling a cheesy Mexican casserole out of the oven, that sense of warmth will make the long wait worth it.

Daily Home Horoscope

At first, getting to the end of your to-do list may seem impossible. But, of all days, if you maintain your focus and are able to persevere today, you'll be miraculously productive. Violets and peonies do not blend happily in one vase. Place peonies as an entryway centerpiece and violets near the kitchen sink. Your accomplishments won't go unnoticed either, so on your mark, get set and go, go, go!

Daily Dog Horoscope

Even if it was possible for you to see your friends in an unemotional, detached way, you'd still think they were the best pack on the planet. So all the bias you usually view them with is more than justified. Enjoy the love fest at the dog park today.

More Horoscopes

Daily Teen Horoscope

You have really big plans, but it's going to take some organizing to do what you want to do. Ask your friends to help out. They love a good project, and they're all really talented and organized too.

Daily Cat Horoscope

You're feeling somewhat detached from your home life today -- but that is part of the reason the humans love you so much! You need to make sure that you're giving them what they want, and it's simple.

Daily Bonus Horoscope

You have the charm necessary to push your agenda without ruffling any feathers.